Current in 2023:
You don’t like it when a lot of garbage is around you, do you?
In Spite of this unfortunately more than a thousand of garbage is lying on the streets, next to the streets and all around…
If each of us would just pick up one of these (wherever we walk) and would throw into a container than the World would be a cleaner and much more livable place…
Join us!
Our Conservationist Group (called Geonauta-Friends Group) is super determined in that way to clean currently the El Camino pilgrimage way in Spain. Until now we have been collected 3000 liters of garbage…
Join us and help to collect the garbage- or support our activities to stop the destruction of our environment. With our activities we are planning to solve this planetary problem in the long run.
The way, journey of El Camino is an excellent opportunity for this regarding that pilgrims are arriving here from all around the World and in this case they can flow the information
to their country.
If you would not join now but you would like to donate- we are going to buy garbage bags, garbage collection tweezers and we are going to create and place the attention signs, warnings on the way of El Camino.
Others what we will do from this donate money- we are going to place posters and leaflets in pubs, bars where the pilgrims will stop and in Albergues as well.
JOIN: geonautax@gmail.com

Easiest support option, with credit card:

Dear Reader!
I am Zsolt Vadász Pilgrim.
I spent an important part of the last ten years of my life going through El Camino and finishing its different versions. Until now I’ve crossed 18 El Caminos, and during my trips, my good luck gave me the chance to meet every kind of people.
The most remarkable was an old retired man from Madrid, who walked from Santiago to Jerusalem and from Jerusalem to Santiago. This was the first sign, based on what I started to make researches: how and in what way could I also go through this trip?
Santiago – Jerusalem
” A Road that lifts between the clouds and hums into the mud “

I. Etap – Csiksomlyó – Máriazell – Mária út
II. Etap – Mariazell – Paris – Santiago de Compostella
III. Etap – Santiago – Lourdes – Roma
IV. Etap – Roma – Jerusalem
First of all, I have to mention my pilgrim mates, who – when I first told them this unusual idea – found it weird, but then helped me with enthusiasm. The trip will take several thousands of kilometers, several months of the time of the participants. People who would like to join us for a part of the journey, are of course welcome as well. We will leave the following vignette along the way (geonauta.hu) and we will register it with GPS in order to help those who will come after us. We would like to go through the trip in old, archaic clothes and avoid all kind of transports of the modern world, using only ships, ferries and chariots pulled by human or animal force.
,, Mea Culpa ,,
I have heard that there are Johns and Jacks in the world. John wanted to change the world, failed and is now unhappy. Jack wanted to fix the sewing machine, he succeeded and now he is happy.
I am a happy “Jack” who wants to share this happiness with other “Jack. Not with John because they are not blessed by my joy and vice versa.
I don’t want to become John and save the World.
My goal is:
Going around the Camino, beyond selfish goals, in addition to improving myself, to show people a camino way that, while involving shoeing, suffering, struggle, is a huge human and character-forming effect van. In the traditional way, many hundreds of kilometers, with no technical achievements and no lack of luxury, have an extremely inspiring effect on in-depth thinking. By which, even if we do not become enlightened, millions of things about the meaning of our lives can gain meaning and a new light.
– This may seem like a hazy reason, but the Pilgrim whose backpack is carried by the James-Trans and he himself suffers from hotel to hotel is his camino, the participates in another pilgrimage and returns home with a different experience than a pilgrim who stays in simple accommodation like me, suffers the vicissitudes of the Way, experiences all the spiritual wonders of the Way.
I don’t want to and I can’t help.
My goal is to lead by example to as many people as possible on the other Way and to provide them with good advice, directions, useful information. >
I don’t cry back to times past that were past. Today, we are ten times as many physically on pilgrimages, but the same number we are left mentally.
I can only socialize with those who gather at the end of the day, light candles, are grateful to be here, pray, or simply
Those sitting down at the bar, armed with all sorts of el camino souvenirs, staring at the big screen TV, what do I do with them?
Are they among them? of course they are receptive.
Many of those who see us picking up in the morning where we slept outside the one-million-star hotel also take photos.
Some of them ask how can they join?
Because they were looking for this here, they just couldn’t find it.
Well, that’s my goal for me. That’s why I wear medieval clothes, with a shepherd’s staff, a dog on my side to help them find and walk through their pilgrimage. “
Dear Reader, Pilgrim Fellow,
Please help us advance our journey by paying a minimum amount, provide your name and address so that we can honor your contribution with at least one embroidered t-shirt or something small!
Become part of this fantastic spiritual journey and help us provide the financial support needed for the journey. For every euro you can contribute 2 kilometers of the road. Depending on your wallet, support us with a donation of € 1, € 10 or € 50 to raise the € 1,000 needed to cover 2,000 km in the first year. Thanks in advance.
Donations received to date: € 142
Email: geonautax@gmail.com
Tel.: +36705180654 Vadász Zsolt
Az El Camino hivatalos úthálózatának megtisztításába, szemétszedő akcióba kezdett a Geonauta Baráti Társaság (Facebook), Természetvédelmi akciók keretében.
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